What is not a service?

What is not a service?

a. Intercept the events from a user's interaction with your application

b. Like an activity, it has lifecycle methods that you can implement to monitor changes in its state.

c. It is a program that can run in the background for an indefinite period

d. Service is another building block of android application it does not provide a UI

Answer: A

If the user leaves a task for long time

If the user leaves a task for long time

a. System clears an activity and retain state of all other activities

b. System is independent of activities

c. System will retain the tasks state until closed explicitly

d. System will clear task of activities except root activity

Answer: D

What is a Fragment?

What is a Fragment?

a. A fragment is a part or portion of an activity

b. All of these

c. A fragment is modular in a sense that you can move around or combine with other fragments in a single activity

d. Fragments are also reusable

Answer: B