Use Android's _______ - a data structure that stores Fragments in LIFO order.
Answer: Backstack
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Android App Development Chapter 8
- ____ can downgrade a database.
- DatabaseOpenHelper's _______ will be called to upgrade the database to the newest version.
- The SQLiteDatabase's query method returns a cursor containing the _______ .
- SQLite doesn't support inserting an empty row.
- A database will be cached by an os to improve performance.
- Database names don't have to be unique across apps.
- Android doesn't automatically release database resources.
- Class cursor provides a method _______ if you prefer to get an exception when the specified column DNE.
- It's considered best practice to ensure _______ returns true before attempting to get data from the database object.
- Cursor method _______ moves the cursor to the first row of the result set.
- Method _______ uses the MenuItem's resourceID to determine which one was selected.
- Use the CursorAdapter method _______ to remove the cursor.
- ______ is called after onPause when the Fragment is no longer visible.
- AsyncTask's execute method _______ performs the task in a separate thread.
- An AsyncTask can only be executed ___ time(s).
- You call inherited ListActivity method _______ to bind a ListView to a cursor to display the data.
- You cannot use custom layout resources for ListView items.
- _____ is a subclass of CursorAdapter designed to simplify mapping of cursor columns directly to TextViews and ImageViews.
- To display the Cursor's results in a ListView we create a new _______ to expose the cursor's data in a manner that can be used by a ListView.
- You call ListView method _______ to determine how many items can be selected.
- You call Fragment method _______ to indicate that the list fragment should be retained rather than created.
- _____ pushes a Fragment onto the back stack so that if the user pushes the back button it will pop that Fragment back.
- You can pass arguments to a fragment by placing them in a _______ of key-value pairs.
- FragmentManager's _______ method removes the top fragment of a Fragment back stack.
- If the resource ID _______ exists in MainActivity's layout, then the app is running on a phone.