For sending sms through Intent which code is correct?

For sending sms through Intent which code is correct?

A) Intent intent = new Intent();

intent.putExtra("sms_body", "Welcome at");


B) Intent intent = new Intent();


C) Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SENDTO, Uri.parse("sms:9923-----"));

intent.putExtra("sms_body", "Welcome at");


D) None of the above.

Answer: C

To initiate a call using the Intent which code you will write?

To initiate a call using the Intent which code you will write?

A) Intent intent = new Intent (Intent.ACTION_CALL)”);


B) Intent intent = new Intent (Intent.ACTION_CALL, Uri.parse(“tel:9923----”));


C) Intent intent = new Intent (Uri.parse(“tel:9923----”));


D) All of the above.

Answer: B

Which is/are related to fragment class?

Which is/are related to fragment class?

A) dialogFragment

B) listFragment

C) preferenceFragment

D) All of the above.

Answer: D

Which is Parent class of Activity?

Which is Parent class of Activity?

A) ActivityGroup

B) Context

C) BaseActivity

D) ContextThemeWrapper

Answer: D

What types of menus is/are supported by Android?

What types of menus is/are supported by Android?

A) Option menu and Context menu

B) Only Option menu

C) Only Context menu

D) None of the above.

Answer: A

What is the purpose of the ImageSwitcher?

What is the purpose of the ImageSwitcher?

A) The ImageSwitcher enables images to be displayed with animation.

B) The ImageSwitcher displayed images without animation.

C) An image switcher allows you to add some transitions on the images.

D) Option A and C are correct.

Answer: D

How to get feedback on message sent?

How to get feedback on message sent?

A) Use two Intent objects in the sendTextMessage() method.

B) Use two PendingIntent objects in the sendTextMessage() method.

C) Use two PendingIntent objects in the startActivity() method.

D) None of the above.

Answer: B

What code you will write to send the SMS to another AVD? Suppose that the AVD no is 5556

What code you will write to send the SMS to another AVD? Suppose that the AVD no is 5556

A) SmsManager sms=new SmsManager();

sms.sendTextMessage("5556", null, "Hello Android", null, null);

B) SmsManager sms=new SmsManager();

sendSMS("5556", null, "Hello Android", null, null);

C) SmsManager sms=SmsManager.getDefault();

sms.sendTextMessage("5556", null, "Hello Android", null, null);

D) None of the above.

Answer: C

What is Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL)?

What is Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL)?

A) AIDL does not the Java programming language.

B) It does not define the programming interface.

C) It defines the programming interface that both the client and service agree upon in order to communicate with each other using inter process communication (IPC).

D) None of the above.

Answer: C

Choose the correct option according to the given option.

Choose the correct option according to the given option.

Statement 1: A content provider behaves very much like a database — you can query it,

edit its content, as well as add or delete content.

Statement 2: Content providers let you centralize content in one place and have many

different applications access it as needed.

Statement 3: A content provider does not provide the facility to centralize content.

A) Only option 1 is correct.

B) Only option 2 is correct.

C) Option 1 and 2 are correct.

D) Option 1 and 3 are correct.

Answer: C

What is the full form of AVD in Android?

What is the full form of AVD in Android?

A) Android Virtual Device

B) Android Virtual Display

C) Actual Virtual Display

D) All of the above.

Answer: A

Which of the following statements is correct?

Which of the following statements is correct?

A) Permissions are not specified in AndroidManifest.xml.

B) The AndroidManifest.xml is optional.

C) The AndroidManifest.xml must supply a unique Application package name for your App.

D) None of the above.

Answer: C

You want to read website name by using SharedPreferences. Choose the correct option for doing this.

You want to read website name by using SharedPreferences. Choose the correct option for doing this.

A) SharedPreferences obj=getSharedPreferences("MySharedFile ", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);

String n=obj.getString("name", null);

B) SharedPreferences obj= new SharedPreferences ("MySharedFile", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);

String n=obj.getString("name", null);

C) String n=obj.getString("name", null);

D) None of the above.

Answer: A

You want to store website name by using SharedPreferences. Choose the correct option for doing this.

You want to store website name by using SharedPreferences. Choose the correct option for doing this.

A) SharedPreferences obj=getSharedPreferences("MySharedFile", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);

obj.putString(“name”, “”);


B) SharedPreferences obj= new SharedPreferences ("MySharedFile",


String n=obj.getString("name", null);

C) SharedPreferences obj=getSharedPreferences("MySharedFile", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);

Editor editor=obj.edit();

editor.putString(“name”, “”);


D) None of the above.

Answer: C

How will you get the data in secondActivity? Refer question 10.

How will you get the data in secondActivity? Refer question 10.

A) Intent intent=new Intent;

String str= intent.getStringExtra("name");

Toast.makeText(this, str , Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

B) Intent intent=getIntent();

String str= intent.getStringExtra("name");

Toast.makeText(this, str , Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

C) Intent intent=getIntent();

String str= intent.getText("name");

Toast.makeText(this, str , Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

D) None of the above.

Answer: B

Suppose that there are two activities in an application named FirstActivity and SecondActivity. You want to send website name from ActivityOne to ActivityTwo. What code you will write? Suppose that website name is “”

Suppose that there are two activities in an application named FirstActivity and SecondActivity. You want to send website name from ActivityOne to ActivityTwo. What code you will write? Suppose that website name is “”

A) Intent intent=new Intent (this, SecondActivity.class);

intent.putExtra("name", “”);


B) Intent intent=new Intent (this, SecondActivity.class);

intent.putExtra( “”);


C) Intent intent=new Intent ();

intent.putExtra("name", “”);


D) None of the above.

Answer: A

The types of intents in android is\are

The types of intents in android is\are

A) Explicit intents

B) Implicit intents

C) Start intents

D) Option A and B are correct.

Answer: D

What is the permission for using the camera?

What is the permission for using the camera?

A. android.permission.USE_CAMERA

B. android.permission.CAMERA

C. android.permission.hardware.CAMERA

D) None of the above.

Answer: B

Suppose that there are two activities in an application named ActivityOne and ActivityTwo. You want to invoke ActivityTwo from ActivityOne. What code you will write?

Suppose that there are two activities in an application named ActivityOne and ActivityTwo. You want to invoke ActivityTwo from ActivityOne. What code you will write?

A) Intent intent=new Intent (this, ActivityTwo.class);


B) startActivity(new Intent(this, ActivityTwo.class));

C) Option A and B are correct.

D) None of the above.

Answer: C

Choose the correct option regarding activity in android.

Choose the correct option regarding activity in android.

A) An activity is a window that contains the user interface of your application.

B) An application can have zero or more activities.

C) An application can have only one activity.

D) Option A and B are correct.

Answer: D

Choose the correct option regarding activity in android.

Choose the correct option regarding activity in android.

A) Activity is a class.

B) When you create an android application your activity (class) is, by default inherited from Activity class.

C) Option A and B are correct.

D) None of the above.

Answer: C

What is the full form of DDMS?

What is the full form of DDMS?

A) Dalvik Debug Monitoring Service

B) Dalvik Design Monitoring Service

C) Direct Debug Monitoring Service

D) None of the above.

Answer: A

What is true about an Android Virtual Device (AVD)?

What is true about an Android Virtual Device (AVD)?

A) An AVD is an emulator instance that enables you to model an actual device.

B) You can create more than one AVDs in order to test your applications with several different configurations.

C) You cannot create more than one AVDs.

D) Option A and B are correct.

Answer: D

What is the use of versionCode attribute in AndroidManifest.xml file?

What is the use of versionCode attribute in AndroidManifest.xml file?

A) It is used to define the current application version.

B) It is used to define the current application name.

C) It is used to define the public version that will be displayed to users.

D) None of the above.

Answer: A

Why are view recycled?

Why are view recycled?

Answer: Less memory overhead, smoother scrolling and less view management.

What is meant by responsive design?

What is meant by responsive design?

Answer: Its a layout that adjust automatically depending on screen size.