There are two statements: Statement A: You should use AsyncTask to do a long operation. Statement B: You shoud use Service to do a shorter operation. Which of them are correct?

There are two statements:
Statement A: You should use AsyncTask to do a long operation.
Statement B: You shoud use Service to do a shorter operation.
Which of them are correct?

A. Statement A is True, and Statement B is True
B. Statement A is True, and Statement B is False
C. Statement A is False, and Statement B is True
D. Statement A is False, and Statement B is False

Answer: D

In auto-generated code of an Android app, what is R class?

In auto-generated code of an Android app, what is R class?

A. Contains code for authentication and authorization the app
B. Contains IDs of the project resources
C. It is the main controller of the app
D. None of above

Answer: B

In HTML5, what is TRUE about localStorage?

In HTML5, what is TRUE about localStorage?

A. It is never expired
B. It is faster than sessionStorage
C. It is only available in one session

Answer: A

How to set data for a ListView?

How to set data for a ListView?

A. Define in XML file
B. Use function setListAdapter()
C. Use function addView()
D. b or c
E. None of above

Answer: D

Which statement is NOT correct about Google Map Overlay?

Which statement is NOT correct about Google Map Overlay?

A. To enable compass, you call .enableCompass() function of MyLocationOverlay instance
B. You need to extend ItemizedOverlay class to customize marker
C. MyLocationOverlay class can be used to create overlay that shows your location
D. Overlay is added to map automatically after instancing it

Answer: D

What is NotificationManager class?

What is NotificationManager class?

A. The NotificationManager class is used to display notifications on the device's status bar and disappears after a few seconds
B. The NotificationManager class is used to display alerts to the user and disappears when user click on OK button
C. The NotificationManager class is used to display notifications on the device's status bar
D. The NotificationManager class is used to display alerts to the user and disappears after a few seconds

Answer: C

How to set data for a Gallery control?

How to set data for a Gallery control?

A. Define in XML file
B. Use function setGalleryAdapter()
C. Use function addView()
D. b or c
E. None of above

Answer: B

Which is Not a rule for Android single thread model?

Which is Not a rule for Android single thread model?

A. Do not block the UI thread
B. Do not access the Android UI toolkit from outside the UI thread
C. Do manipulation of the UI from both UI thread and Worker thread to increase performance

Answer: C

What is NOT correct about Ext.Viewport in Sencha Touch?

What is NOT correct about Ext.Viewport in Sencha Touch?

A. Need declare in app.js
B. Extend from Ext.Container
C. Can add items to it at any time, from anywhere in code
D. Can activate item by Viewport.setActiveltem();

Answer: D

What is NOT correct about HTML5?

What is NOT correct about HTML5?

A. All browsers support for all new elements of HTML5
B. HTML5 helps to reduce the need of browser plugin
C. HTML5 should be device independent
D. None of above

Answer: A

What is the method for monitoring a location?

What is the method for monitoring a location?

A. The method is addProximityAlert().
B. The method is addProximityNotify().
C. The method is addProximityLocation().
D. The method is addProximitylnformation().

Answer: A

Name the permissions you need to declare in your AndroidManifest.xml file for sending and receiving SMS message

Name the permissions you need to declare in your AndroidManifest.xml file for sending and receiving SMS message

B. The two permissions are SEND_MESSAGE and RECEIVE_MESSAGE
C. The two permissions are SEND_SMS and RECEIVE_SMS
D. The two permissions are SEND and RECEIVE

Answer: C

Android: Which statements are correct about Broadcast receivers?

Android: Which statements are correct about Broadcast receivers?

A. Broadcast receivers are Android's implementation of the Publish/Subscribe messaging pattern.
B. Applications (known as publishers) can generate broadcasts to simply send events not knowing who, if anyone
C. Receivers (known as subscribers) that want the information subscribe to specific messages via filters. If the me
D. All of above
E. None of above

Answer: D

How to instantiate a Spinner control?

How to instantiate a Spinner control?

A. Via XML layout
B. Via code
C. All of above
D. None of above

Answer: C

What is not true about the Android application lifecycle?

What is not true about the Android application lifecycle?

A. Each application runs in its own process.
B. Processes are started and stopped as needed to run apps components.
C. Processes may be killed to reclaim needed resources
D. Each activity of an application runs in its own process

Answer: D

Why is the AbsoluteLayout not recommended for use?

Why is the AbsoluteLayout not recommended for use?

A. using the AbsoluteLayout makes it facility for your application to have a consistent look and feel across devices
B. using the AbsoluteLayout makes it difficult for your application to have a consistent look and feel across devices
C. using the AbsoluteLayout makes it easy for your application to have a consistent look and feel across devices
D. using the AbsoluteLayout makes it quick for your application to have a consistent look and feel across devices

Answer: B

How to call an AJAX request in Sencha Touch?

How to call an AJAX request in Sencha Touch?

A. Use Ext.Ajax()
B. Use
C. Use Ext.Ajax.request()
D. None of above

Answer: C

What is Toast class?

What is Toast class?

A. The Toast class is used to display notifications on the device's status bar
B. The Toast class is used to display notifications on the device's status bar and disappears after a few seconds
C. The Toast class is used to display alerts to the user and disappears when user click on OK button
D. The Toast class is used to display alerts to the user and disappears after a few seconds

Answer: D

What is android view group?

What is android view group?

A. Layouts
B. Base class of building blocks
C. FragmentActivity
D. Collection of views and other child views

Answer: A

"Gingerbread" is nickname of

"Gingerbread" is nickname of

A. Android version 2.3.x
B. Android version 4.x
C. Android version 2.2
D. Android version 3.x

Answer: A

Which statement is NOT correct about Intents Action?

Which statement is NOT correct about Intents Action?

A. The Intent class defines a number of pre-defined action constants
B. We can also define your own action strings for activating the components in your application
C. It is a string naming the action to be performed
D. All of above
E. None of above

Answer: E

Which statements are NOT correct about Intent Filters?

Which statements are NOT correct about Intent Filters?

A. Filters informs the system which implicit intents a component can handle
B. If a component does not have any intent filters, it can receive only explicit intents
C. A component with filters can receive both explicit and implicit intents
D. All of above
E. None of above

Answer: E

How to create a Sencha Touch app?

How to create a Sencha Touch app?

A. Use Sencha SDK Guide: File New Project
B. Use command line: sencha generate app
C. Download app skeleton from Sencha Touch website
D. None of above

Answer: B

Android: How to calling Sub-Activities for result data?

Android: How to calling Sub-Activities for result data?

A. Use the startActivityForResult() method to start Activity, called a Sub-Activity.
B. In the Sub-Activity class, call setResult(), finish() methods to return the result to the Parent Activity
C. In the parent activity, the returned data is done by protected void onActivityResult
D. All of above
E. None of above

Answer: E

What is the geocoding?

What is the geocoding?

A. Geocoding is the act of converting an address into its coordinates (latitude and longitude).
B. Geocoding is the act of compress an address.
C. Geocoding converts a pair of location coordinates into an address
D. Geocoding is the act of encoding an address.

Answer: A

What will happen if you have two or more activities with the same intent filter action name?

What will happen if you have two or more activities with the same intent filter action name?

A. The Android OS will choose second activity.
B. The Android OS will display a dialog from which users can choose which activity they want to use.
C. The Android OS will display an error
D. The Android OS will choose first activity

Answer: B

How to display a Toast?

How to display a Toast?

A. Call .show() method
B. Call .getText() method
C. Call .display() method
D. None of above

Answer: A

There are two statements: Statement A: Using Shared Preferences, you can store private primitive data only. Statement B: Using External Storage option, you can store public data on the shared external storage. Which of them are correct?

There are two statements:
Statement A: Using Shared Preferences, you can store private primitive data only.
Statement B: Using External Storage option, you can store public data on the shared external storage.
Which of them are correct?

A. Statement A is False, and Statement B is False
B. Statement A is True, and Statement B is True
C. Statement A is True, and Statement B is False
D. Statement A is False, and Statement B is True

Answer: B

How to add a scroll view?

How to add a scroll view?

A. Use tag <ScrollView...
B. Use code:
ScrollView sv = new ScrollView();
C. All of above

Answer: C

Assume that content of "parent" is stored in reader variable, and inside it has a child object named "child". Which of the following statement we need to you to get this child object?

Given the following JSON content:

Assume that content of "parent" is stored in reader variable, and inside it has a child object named "child". Which of the following statement we need to you to get this child object?

A. JSONObject childObj = reader.getJSONObject("child");
B. JSONObject childObj = parent.getJSONObject("child");
C. JSONObject childObj = (JSONObject) parent.getJSON("child");
D. JSONObiect childObi = (JSONObiect) reader.getJSON("child"):

Answer: A

What is TRUE about sessionStorage?

What is TRUE about sessionStorage?

A. It is available in only one session
B. It is slower than localStorage
C. It is never expired

Answer: A

Intent mylntent = new Intent(this, ActivityTwo.class); myIntent.putExtra("Valuel", "This value one for ActivityTwo "); mylntent.putExtra("Value2", "This value two ActivityTwo"); Which of following is true?

Intent mylntent = new Intent(this, ActivityTwo.class);
myIntent.putExtra("Valuel", "This value one for ActivityTwo ");
mylntent.putExtra("Value2", "This value two ActivityTwo");

Which of following is true?

A. mylntent is class Intent
B. mylntent is implicit Intent
C. mylntent is system Intent
D. mylntent is explicit Intent

Answer: D

How do you register a content provider in your AndroidManifest.xml file?

How do you register a content provider in your AndroidManifest.xml file?

A. <provider android:name="ProductsProvider" android:package="" I>
B. <provider android:name="ProductsProvider" android:authorities="" />
C. <provider android:name="ProductsProvider" android:class="" />
D. <provider android:name="ProductsProvider" android:path="" />

Answer: B

Android: Which statements are correct about Broadcast receivers?

Android: Which statements are correct about Broadcast receivers?

A. Broadcast receivers are Android's implementation of Publish/Subcribe messaging pattern.
B. Applications (known as publishers) can generate broadcast to simply send events not knowing who, if anyone, will get them.
C. Receivers (known as subcribers) that want the information subcribe to specific messages via filter. If the message match a filter, the subcriber is actived(if it's not already running) and notified of the message
D. All of above
E. None of above

Answer: D

Android MapActivity is

Android MapActivity is

A. Base class with code to manage the boring necessities of any activity that display a MapView
B. A View which display a Map (with data obtained from the Google Maps Service)
C. A class to manage paining and zooming of a map
D. An Overlay for drawing the user's current location (and accuracy) on the map, and/or a compass-rose inset.

Answer: A

How do we get access to the preference?

How do we get access to the preference?

A. Via getPreference() method
B. Via getSharedPreference() method
C. Via getDefaultSharedPreference() method
D. All of above

Answer: D

When ContentProvider would be actived?

When ContentProvider would be actived?

A. Using Intent
B. Using SQLite
C. Using ContentResolver
D. None of the above

Answer: C

How do you specify the minimum version of Android required by your application?

How do you specify the minimum version of Android required by your application?

A. You specify the minimum Android version required using the minNdkVersion attribute in the AndroidManifest.xml file
B. You specify the minimum Android version required using the minNumberVersion attribute in the AndroidManifest.xml file
C. You specify the minimum Android version required using the minSdkVersion attribute in the AndroidManifest.xml file
D. You specify the minimum Android version required using the minVersion attribute in the AndroidManifest.xml file

Answer: C

Name the three events you can override to save an activity's state.

Name the three events you can override to save an activity's state.

A. onStop(), onSaveInstanceState(), and onRetainNonConfigurationInstance()
B. onDestroy(), onStop(), onSaveInstanceState(), and onRetainNonConfigurationInstance()
C. onResume(), onStop(), onSaveInstanceState(), and onRetainNonConfigurationInstance()
D. onPause(), onStop(), onSaveInstanceState(), and onRetainNonConfigurationInstance()

Answer: D

Which statements are correct about Category?

Which statements are correct about Category?

A. A string containing additional information about the kind of component (activity, service, or broadcast receiver) that should handle the intent.
B. Android provide a set of predefined categories
C. You can define your own categories
D. All of above
E. None of above

Answer: D

Which is right xml-based way to load view layout?

Which is right xml-based way to load view layout?

A. setContentView(new XmlLayout())
B. loadContentView(new LinearLayout())
C. setContentView(R.layout.some_layout)
D. loadContentView(R.layout.some_layout)

Answer: C

Android: Which Layout adds each child View in a straight line, either vertically or horizontally and allows you to specify a "weight" for each child View that controls the relative size of each within the available space?

Android: Which Layout adds each child View in a straight line, either vertically or horizontally and allows you to specify a "weight" for each child View that controls the relative size of each within the available space?

A. LinearLayout
B. RelativeLayout
C. TableLayout
D. AbsoluteLayout

Answer: A