Can PhoneGap framework support for playing audio? Can PhoneGap framework support for playing audio? Answer: true
Can PhoneGap work with Contacts data of mobile device? Can PhoneGap work with Contacts data of mobile device? Answer: true
PhoneGap uses HTML5, CSS, and __________ to write and deploy application. PhoneGap uses HTML5, CSS, and __________ to write and deploy application. Answer: JavaScript
Choose whether the statement is true or false Does PhoneGap support iOS, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, webOS, Bada, Symbian at the same time? Choose whether the statement is true or false Does PhoneGap support iOS, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, webOS, Bada, Symbian at the same time? Answer: True
Given the following code AsyncHttpClient asynClient = new AsyncHttpClient() Given the following code AsyncHttpClient asynClient = new AsyncHttpClient() Answer: Yes, if it is not yet completed (success or failed)
There is a kind of animation that using an XML file to define a sequence of pictures using There is a kind of animation that using an XML file to define a sequence of pictures using Answer: Tween Animation
In Android, what is the meaning of the following code in MainActivity class? In Android, what is the meaning of the following code in MainActivity class? Answer: the main thread calls the UI thread
In Android, what is contained within the XML files in layout folder? In Android, what is contained within the XML files in layout folder? Answer: The layouts and direction of screen of the app
Which shortcut key we can use to change orientation in an AVD simulator? Which shortcut key we can use to change orientation in an AVD simulator? Answer: Ctrl+F11
As discussed, there are 4 main components in Android application. And in AndroidManifest.xml file, you need to declare As discussed, there are 4 main components in Android application. And in AndroidManifest.xml file, you need to declare Answer: elements for configurations
Choose right kind of layouts supported in Sencha Touch Choose right kind of layouts supported in Sencha Touch Answer: Justify Layout
In Sencha Touch, app folder contains In Sencha Touch, app folder contains Answer: the Models, Views, Controllers and Stores for your app
What setListAdapter() function used for? What setListAdapter() function used for? Answer: A command that projects your data to the onscreen list on your device by connecting the listActivity
What onListItemClick() function used for? What onListItemClick() function used for? Answer: A method called when an item in a list is selected
How many activities are in focus at any time? How many activities are in focus at any time? Answer: Just one
Given the following statements using openFileOutput function to store data into a file in Android: Given the following statements using openFileOutput function to store data into a file in Android: Answer: The created file can be accessed by all the other applications at the same time.
What happen if the latitude is less than -90 or greater than 90? What happen if the latitude is less than -90 or greater than 90? Answer: It returns an IllegalArgumentException
In Android, the process technical to convert an address into its latitude and longitude is called In Android, the process technical to convert an address into its latitude and longitude is called Answer: Geocoding
In Android, which is two location providers that you can use to obtain your position data? In Android, which is two location providers that you can use to obtain your position data? Answer: LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER and LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER
Which of the following is the based class for the main application class in an Android application that has a user interface? Which of the following is the based class for the main application class in an Android application that has a user interface? Answer: Activity
When you have two or more activities with the same INTENT FILTER action name, the Android OS will display a When you have two or more activities with the same INTENT FILTER action name, the Android OS will display a Answer: True
What is the android:versionCode attribute in the AndroidManifest.xml file? What is the android:versionCode attribute in the AndroidManifest.xml file? Answer: It is used to programmatically check if an application can be upgraded.
Which of the following is NOT a right codename of Android version? Which of the following is NOT a right codename of Android version? Answer: Eclair
When you need to use mp3 file in Android application, which folder you need to create and store mp3 file? When you need to use mp3 file in Android application, which folder you need to create and store mp3 file? Answer: raw folder
In Android, can we change the GPS setting by write my own Java code? In Android, can we change the GPS setting by write my own Java code? Answer: False
Assume that we have an Android object named stored in reader variable, and inside it has a child object named Assume that we have an Android object named stored in reader variable, and inside it has a child object named Answer: JSONObject mainObj = reader.getJSONObject("main");
What is the name of Android class do we need to use to build up an JSON object? What is the name of Android class do we need to use to build up an JSON object? Answer: JSONObject
To get data from Webserver to Android application, which of the following class you need to use to establish connection? To get data from Webserver to Android application, which of the following class you need to use to establish connection? Answer: HttpURLConnection
To develop your own service in Android, which of the following step you need to do? To develop your own service in Android, which of the following step you need to do? Answer: Step 2 is: implements onStartCommand, onBind, onUnbind, onRebind, onCreate, onDestroy methods
Which is the method you need to use to post a notification to be shown in the status bar? Which is the method you need to use to post a notification to be shown in the status bar? Answer: notify(...)
You need to process when user clicks on a notification on upper left of Android screen You need to process when user clicks on a notification on upper left of Android screen Answer: PendingIntent
To display a notification on upper left of Android screen, which of the following class you need to use? To display a notification on upper left of Android screen, which of the following class you need to use? Answer: NotificationManager + Notification
In Android, does Service create new thread in background In Android, does Service create new thread in background Answer: False
Given a table data (click to see the figure). And assume that this is on a device at 160 dpi Given a table data (click to see the figure). And assume that this is on a device at 160 dpi Answer: dp * scaler = px
What is the permission you need to declare in AndroidManifes What is the permission you need to declare in AndroidManifes Answer: WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
In Android, which method you can use to obtain the path of the external storage In Android, which method you can use to obtain the path of the external storage Answer: getExternalStorageDirectory()
In Android, what does dp unit stand for In Android, what does dp unit stand for Answer: density-independent
Toast is a class to display a message in Android. How to set position of a Toast Toast is a class to display a message in Android. How to set position of a Toast Answer: Using setGravity()
Read the following 2 URLs and answer the question Read the following 2 URLs and answer the question Answer: True
How can you define the minimum version of Android required How can you define the minimum version of Android required Answer: Using the minSdkVersion attribute in the AndroidMan
In Android, which manifest permission is needed when use GPS location In Android, which manifest permission is needed when use GPS location Answer: ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION
Statement A: android.telephony.SmsManager class can send SMS on both GSM and CDMA network Statement A: android.telephony.SmsManager class can send SMS on both GSM and CDMA network Answer: Statement A is True, and Statement B is False
Does AsyncTask create new thread in background? Does AsyncTask create new thread in background? Answer: True
Read the following content and answer the question Read the following content and answer the question Answer: SmsManager<
In Android, which layout mode defines the positions of each component relative to each other In Android, which layout mode defines the positions of each component relative to each other Answer: RelativeLayout
In Android, which statement is NOT correct about AsyncTask In Android, which statement is NOT correct about AsyncTask Answer: none of
In Android, which of the following statement is CORRECT to reload a layout In Android, which of the following statement is CORRECT to reload a layout Answer: setContentView(R.layout.some_layout)
How to set position of a Sencha Touch component? How to set position of a Sencha Touch component? Answer: all of above
How many css file can be included in a Sencha Touch project ? How many css file can be included in a Sencha Touch project ? Answer: many
Which method to opena Http connection to an Uri? Which method to opena Http connection to an Uri? Answer: url.openConnection()
Android Async Task create new thread in background Android Async Task create new thread in background Answer: true
If the action is ACTION_CALL, what the data field would be ? If the action is ACTION_CALL, what the data field would be ? Answer: URI with the number to call
How many main approaches to build GUI of Android app? How many main approaches to build GUI of Android app? Answer: 1
How to play a video in HTML5 ? How to play a video in HTML5 ? Answer: Insert<video> tag to HTML5 page only, the video is played automatically
Which statement is correct about web storage ? Which statement is correct about web storage ? Answer: It can be accessed by several web page running in the same domain
Which of the following is best choice for simple animation for your website ? Which of the following is best choice for simple animation for your website ? Answer: JavaScript
Android: Which statement is NOT correct about Toasts? Android: Which statement is NOT correct about Toasts? Answer: None of above
Android: Which statement does not correct about Activity? Android: Which statement does not correct about Activity? Answer: None of above
Android: Is the main thread called the UI thread? Android: Is the main thread called the UI thread? Answer: Yes
In class SQLiteOpenHelper class, there are 2 methods we should usually override. What are they? In class SQLiteOpenHelper class, there are 2 methods we should usually override. What are they? Answer: onCreate() and onUpgrade()
You must declare all application components in Manifest file in this way: You must declare all application components in Manifest file in this way: Answer: <provider> elements for content providers
How many CSS files can be included in a Sencha Touch project? How many CSS files can be included in a Sencha Touch project? Answer: Many
Which statement is NOT correct about PhoneGap? Which statement is NOT correct about PhoneGap? Answer: It doesn't support for Java phone
Which method to open a Hap connection to an Uri? Which method to open a Hap connection to an Uri? Answer: url.openConnection()
How to listen to an event in Sencha Touch class? How to listen to an event in Sencha Touch class? Answer: Write event handler within listeners:{} body
What is value on component's attribute layout_widtlf and layout_heighl to display the component big enough to What is value on component's attribute layout_widtlf and layout_heighl to display the component big enough to Answer: wrap_content
Intent myIntent = new Intent(this. ActivityTwo.class); Intent myIntent = new Intent(this. ActivityTwo.class); Answer: myIntent is explicit Intent
What is not true about the Android application lifecycle What is not true about the Android application lifecycle Answer: Each activity of an app is run in its own process
Android AsyncTask create new thread in background Android AsyncTask create new thread in background Answer: True
What are location providers in Android? What are location providers in Android? Answer: GPS & Network
There are five different methods to store persistent data. They are: Shared Preferences. Internal Storage. External Storage. Network and __? There are five different methods to store persistent data. They are: Shared Preferences. Internal Storage. External Storage. Network and __? Answer: SQLite Database
Android MapActivity is Android MapActivity is Answer: Base class with code to manage the boring necessities of any activity that displays a MapView
If the action is ACTION_CALL. what the data field would be? If the action is ACTION_CALL. what the data field would be? Answer: URI with the number to call
How to define a new Sencha Touch class? How to define a new Sencha Touch class? Answer: Use Extdefine()
What is NOT correct about Store in Sencha Touch? What is NOT correct about Store in Sencha Touch? Answer: Load data via a Proxy
How to make a TextView to be editable? How to make a TextView to be editable? Answer: Either set its attribute editable ='true' or Use EditText class instead of TextView class
Which class do we use for listening location update? Which class do we use for listening location update? Answer: LocationManager class
Do we need to register all of View classes in app.js with Sencha Touch? Do we need to register all of View classes in app.js with Sencha Touch? Answer: No
Which statement is correct about web storage? Which statement is correct about web storage? Answer: It is key/value data
Which of the following is best choice for simple animations for your website? Which of the following is best choice for simple animations for your website? Answer: JavaScript
Do we need to declare all of Controller in app.js with Sencha Touch? Do we need to declare all of Controller in app.js with Sencha Touch? Answer: Yes
Android: When a dialog is requested for the first time, which method will Android call from your Activity? Android: When a dialog is requested for the first time, which method will Android call from your Activity? Answer: onCreateDialog(int)
How to show or hide a Sencha Touch component? How to show or hide a Sencha Touch component? Answer: Call .show() or .hide() method of component itself
Which activity class do you need to inherit to show Google map? Which activity class do you need to inherit to show Google map? Answer: MapActivity class
How to change the main color of Sencha Touch application? How to change the main color of Sencha Touch application? Answer: Change the $base-color variable in app.scss
What is base of all Sencha Touch component? What is base of all Sencha Touch component? Answer: ExtComponent
How to set layout's attribute programmatically in android? How to set layout's attribute programmatically in android? Answer: Use LayoutParams class
By default UI components made in the UI editor should have text defined in file? By default UI components made in the UI editor should have text defined in file? Answer: string.xml
Android: Where we can create tables and columns to them, create views or triggers? Android: Where we can create tables and columns to them, create views or triggers? Answer: onCreate()
In android intent. The activity can be embedded inside of another activity that hosts gadgets is belonged to In android intent. The activity can be embedded inside of another activity that hosts gadgets is belonged to Answer: CATEGORY_GADGET
Intent mylntent = new Intent(IntentACTION_VIEW"")); startActivity(myIntent) Intent mylntent = new Intent(IntentACTION_VIEW"")); startActivity(myIntent) Answer: myIntent is implicit Intent
How to register a broadcast receiver? How to register a broadcast receiver? Answer: Via AndroidManifestxml file
Android: Do we need API key for displaying Google Maps in Android? Android: Do we need API key for displaying Google Maps in Android? Answer: yes
On android services, onStart() and onBind() are the same? On android services, onStart() and onBind() are the same? Answer: False
Which permission needed in order to use MapActivity? Which permission needed in order to use MapActivity? Answer: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
How to get the form data in Sencha Touch? How to get the form data in Sencha Touch? Answer: getFormInstance().getValues();
How to apply stylesheet with HTML element by id? How to apply stylesheet with HTML element by id? Answer: #id
How to check if browser supports web storage? How to check if browser supports web storage? Answer: Check if typeof(Storage) !== "undefined"
Does HTML5 native support for local storage? Does HTML5 native support for local storage? Answer: True
Which Android File API to create a file? Which Android File API to create a file? Answer: openFileOutput()
IntentFilters are typically defined via IntentFilters are typically defined via Answer: Both of above
Which kind of application when creating with Sencha Touch? Which kind of application when creating with Sencha Touch? Answer: Hybrid app
Which file is entry point for Sencha Touch app? Which file is entry point for Sencha Touch app? Answer: app.js
What is NOT correct about Controller in Sencha Touch? What is NOT correct about Controller in Sencha Touch? Answer: Responsible for responding to events that occur within your app
Does CSS support to detecting device size and orientation? Does CSS support to detecting device size and orientation? Answer: True
What is the correct HTML5 element for playing video files? What is the correct HTML5 element for playing video files? Answer: <video>
What statement is NOT correct about Canvas? What statement is NOT correct about Canvas? Answer: None of above
How does Android system manage activity's life cycle How does Android system manage activity's life cycle Answer: Via system activity stack
In auto-generated code of an Android app, what is R class? In auto-generated code of an Android app, what is R class? Answer: Contains IDs of the project resources
Activity results handled by the onActivityResult() method are differentiated from one another using which Activity results handled by the onActivityResult() method are differentiated from one another using which Answer: Result Code
Which of the following are true about Intent.CALL_ACTION? Which of the following are true about Intent.CALL_ACTION? Answer: dial + dialled